How we work with companies

We bring added value by providing exclusive support to chosen cleantech start-ups within the areas Advanced & Sustainable Materials, Smart Industry & Energy, Real Estate & Construction and Smart City Solutions. According to your needs, we introduce you to investors, industrial partners and customers and we facilitate your entry into global markets.
We are committed to work with you hands-on, to achieve your growth and funding goals. Together we develop/add on to your growth plan with specific success KPIs. In our first meetings we make sure to discover your individual needs to adapt our support accordingly.
Based on your individual growth plan we will provide exclusive meetings with Cleantech Scandinavia’s industrial partners, investor group, energy utilities, real estate actors and cities. In addition, we will bring you to cleantech events where you can showcase your innovation and establish important business contacts.
Through our extensive network of international investors, markets, industry companies and cities we are able to open doors for you like no one else. We help you to get funding, engage in development partnerships, and find customers! Through our international partners we can provide support for global growth in Europe, North America, Singapore and China.
We also provide the opportunity to work side by side with and learn from your peers in the industry – get inspired by our international community, right here at the GTV.
Soft Landing
Soft Landing at GreenTech Village: get your own office in the creative epicentre of Lund: Sit and work with us for free for 4 months, then, if you like it join the great Medicon Village office services for 12 months at only 40% of standard rent. Gain access to all amenities (yes, we have a gym) and of course the GTV public creative space.
Become part of impromptu meetings, the community, the creativity streams flowing. Be in the right place at the right time.
Get your innovation out there – the time is now!